general stuff about keefs life.

Monday, May 01, 2006

showing my technical ineptitude

fellow bloggers gather round and come to the aid of a poor helpless fledgling bloggermite!!!!!!!!

anyone know how to put links on the page of my blog??????


Blogger Phil said...

What kind of links?

In posts? or in your sidebar?

12:31 AM

Blogger keef said...

on the side bar mate

9:20 AM

Blogger IntrepidFox said...

Goto the blog dashboard and then choose the tab marked "Template".

See down the bottom of that page there is loads of code? Well thats the HTML that makes the page. You can edit that to add or take away stuff like links.

In that code look for (or find) that is one of the links down the right hand side menu on your blog. Then copy and paste some code in similar.

Or, when I next see you round J's, I can explain it on a PC there ;)

I edit all the code in that page to make my blog look how it does ;)

5:06 PM

Blogger Rach said...

Some templates don't have that option though, if your's does it will have a link to google news and then two edit me links, if not you'll need to change your template.

6:38 AM


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