general stuff about keefs life.

Friday, March 17, 2006

cheese weekly

cheese of this week. wenesleydale with cranberrys. now this is a great cheese. unlike the mexican cheese i wouldent recomend eating this cheese on its own. perfect on crackers of anysort. has a rather pleasent sweet aroma(cranberrys duh!!!!!), although the fruit doesnt impead on the cheesyness of this cheese. coming in at £7.89 per kg its a little more expensive than the mexicana cheese.

this cheese would compliment most foods i would say. would tate particularly good slightly melted on roast duck maby. can be found at most major shopping deliys. this is a great cheese. 8/10 on the cheesometer.


Blogger Mark said...

this is truly a great cheese.

2:41 PM

Blogger Helsalata said...

cheese and duck? Not convinced!

12:38 AM


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